The G Outdoors Rapid Deployment Pack is an excellent pack for duty, defense, every day carry, small gear pack, as well as for hiking, and travel. This well made pack is feature rich and has a ton of organized storage. Keep all your necessary gear close at hand for times that speed is of the essence with the G Outdoors Rapid Deployment Pack. Specifications and Features: Removable handgun holster can be configured for right or left hand draw Durable shoulder strap for fast, easy grab and carry External compartments include 4 AR magazine pouches, 1 pistol magazine pouch and 1 shotgun shell pod that will hold 4 shotgun shells. Internal storage compartment allows 3 additional pistol magazines, 1 box of 12 Ga. shotgun shells, knife, radio, phone, small first aid kit, and more Includes Hook and Loop backed shotgun shell pod Item#: 09644,6-2811848 |